MobileControls, SolarSystems,CloudColors


Its somewhat long,but mostly due to formatting, a few things have happened.

Control changes:

Changed the control system to allow for selection change ONLY when one of the buttons is released so purchase only works when both buttons are down.

Keyboard (arrow keys) and Mobile (touch buttons) controls are both implemented.

Touch buttons can be held for smooth consistent turning.

Solar Systems:

9 solar systems in total, Randomly placed stars, gas clouds, and one planet.

Each star is randomly placed.

Each planet is randomly placed around the star with a random sprite.

Each solar system has randomly placed gas clouds, asteroids, and pickups.

Solar Systems and all their components should cease to render as the player leaves, reapearing as the player enters.

Solar Systems are 150 by 150 units in size, origin point is 0,0 or the center of Solar System 1.

On perma death all solar systems are regenerated.

Gas Clouds:

Each cloud is randomly sized, randomly colored, and randomly placed.

Clouds will appear to get thicker as you approach them and thinner as you leave them.

Clouds have transparency but should obfuscate most asteroids and pickups.

Game Win/Lose:

Game winning and Game losing screens have been added.

Visual and Audio:

Stars now have an awesome particle system.

The ship now has a particle system for its thruster.

Added sounds for collisions with pickups and asteroids

Added Warp Drive sound.

Added menu selection sound.

Added Main Menu music with credits.

Added In Game music with credits in the pause menu.

Files 459 MB
Oct 17, 2019 42 MB
Oct 17, 2019

Get return Home;

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